And So It Begins...

Here is the much awaited announcement: 


It has been a long, arduous journey and far from over; we are making major changes to our service model until the virus is gone or mitigated. Please understand that we want to get back to normal; to make things enjoyable and provide First Class service, but that will have a much different look. 

As a young child, my family and I would vacation in Newport Dunes. They had so many rules, my dad nicknamed it the “Newport Don’ts!” Marin County’s “don’ts” have clipped me with another stage of emotions, so let’s just get them out of the way first...

In accordance with the Marin’s Reopening Guidelines, here our revised steps:

  • MOST IMPORTANT: EVERYONE WEARS A MASK DURING THE ENTIRE VISIT.  We are aware of the challenges while wearing them during your service and are seeking creative solutions. If you are getting a color service, please wear a disposable mask as it will get stained.

  • Confirmation calls will also include the general Covid questions: have you felt sick, have you been in contact with anyone that tested positive, etc. 

  • Upon arriving, you can check in by either coming to our door or calling. We have room for a few people to wait inside but if there is an overflow, we will ask you to wait outside and we can call you when your stylist is ready.

  • Temperature checks are required before your service.  

  • We are suspending our snacks and beverage service. We will miss our lattes and cookies as much as you will! Food should be eaten outside. 

  • We will no longer offer magazines and newspapers to avoid transmission. 

  • We are not utilizing our changing rooms as it also increases the risk of transmission. 

  • Robes will not be provided. 

  • In compliance with the social distance protocol and after careful measuring, we are eliminating 8 workstations and allowing 10 stylists at a time. 

  • Extra guests are not allowed during your appointment.

  • Our Air Scrubber is working 24/7 to clean the air and all hard surfaces.  We will also keep doors open -weather permitting- so if you tend to get cold, please dress warmly or bring a layer.  

  • Color clients- while processing and if weather permits, we encourage you to step outside of the salon for fresh air. We are fortunate to have a large sundeck on the premises and a scenic walking trail. You are also welcome to wait in your car until it is time to rinse your color.

  • We are severely limited on space and work hours. This impacts the number of clients we can service daily so until we can maximize occupancy, we have to ask clients who are only getting a color service to leave damp. If you absolutely want a blowdry, we will have to charge as a full service rather than an add-on. 

I know some of you have been proactive about sheltering in place and this may be your first outing, so you are nervous. We are too! You will be in the salon anywhere from 45 minutes to a few hours while we are there full time. My priority is to keep all of us safe and healthy while providing a stable environment for my staff, physically and mentally. They are MY frontline workers and most importantly, my work family. 

Here is my suggestion for whether or not to come in:

  • If you believe this is overkill, wear a mask and come in

  • If you are nervous but excited to get your hair done, wear a mask and come in.

  • If you have ANY reservations about coming in, please don’t. Wait until you are one of the above. 

I know this could be frustrating for some, but we are reopening and you will get your hair done. Join us so we can be frustrated together!

The salon perks are different but not our work! We are excited to express our creativity again! Please be patient and accepting of this “temporary normal” as we adapt to everything that is thrown at us. 

We are on your side and look forward to reconnecting with you all! 

I want to personally thank you for taking the time to read and comment on this crazy journey I’ve been on for the past few months. I’ve discovered things about myself in the process and was grateful to have an outlet to express them. I used to view vulnerability as a weakness, therefore becoming self-reliant and not letting anyone in. I now see it as a strength because opening those gates have brought in new friendships, new emotions and a new sense of worth. Has my identity changed? It took an alternate path but the road back can be seen in the distance...

Thank you FROM ALL OF US for the support over the past few months.

We are grateful to no end!